Discover the most used conversion types

Remember what you can track when launching marketing campaigns

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Purchase & Sale

This is a common conversion for e-commerce websites. It occurs when a visitor makes a purchase or completes a transaction, such as buying a product or service.

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Form Submission

This is a common conversion for e-commerce websites. It occurs when a visitor makes a purchase or completes a transaction, such as buying a product or service.

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Add to Cart

In e-commerce, adding items to the shopping cart is an important conversion step, often preceding the final purchase.

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Video View

If your website's primary goal is to showcase videos, then a user watching a video may be a conversion.

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Newsletter Signup

When a visitor subscribes to a newsletter or email list, it's a conversion. This is common for content-driven websites and businesses aiming to build an audience.

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Account Creation

Websites that require users to create accounts, such as social media platforms, benefit from account creation conversions.

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Request for Quote

For service-oriented businesses, a conversion could be when a user requests a quote or estimates for a service.

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Downloading a resource like an e-book, whitepaper, software, or any digital file is another type of conversion, especially for content marketing.

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For businesses with a phone-based service or support, a click-to-call action (when a user clicks a phone number to make a call) can be a valuable conversion.

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Pageview or Visit

Some websites consider increased pageviews or extended visit durations as conversions if the primary goal is to engage visitors with content.

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Nonprofits and fundraising websites can track conversions when users make donations.

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Booking or Reservation

Websites for hotels, restaurants, or appointment-based services can consider bookings and reservations as conversions.